NAGB Announces Two Compelling Exhibitions: A Celebration of Straw Craft and an Exploration of Ecohorror
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The National Art Gallery of The Bahamas (NAGB) invites the public to the opening reception of two dynamic exhibitions on Thursday, September 19, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. This event is free and open to all.
It comes from the head: A Straw Heritage celebrates the cultural legacy of straw craft through contemporary interpretations by Bahamian artists. Inspired by the writings of Bahamian educator Thelma Eula Cambridge in “Growing Functional Arts in The Bahamas” (1968), the exhibition explores the historical and economic significance of straw work while presenting modern artistic approaches to this traditional practice.
Four artists—Tamika Galanis, Anina Major, Jodi Minnis, and Averia Wright—present installations, prints, photography, video-, and performance-based works. Curated by emerging Bahamian art historian Simone Cambridge, the exhibition highlights the creativity and dedication of artisans who have preserved this vital cultural tradition.
A Small Remainder of Teeth: Ecohorror and the Anti-Paradise offers a dynamic contrast by reexamining the Bahamian landscape beyond idyllic representations. Drawing on the concept of Ecohorror, the exhibition invites visitors to confront the environmental degradation and disruption caused by colonialism and climate injustice. Inspired by a line of poetry from Sonia Farmer’s A True and Exact History (2018), the exhibition subverts the serene depictions of nature in pre-independence art, instead focusing on abstraction and chaos personified by the environment. Artists in the exhibition include Stan Burnside, John Beadle, John Cox, Kendal Hanna, Lavar Munroe, and more.
Curated by Letitia Pratt, Associate Curator, this exhibition invites viewers to reflect on the ongoing environmental challenges facing The Bahamas and to consider their role in protecting our fragile ecosystems.
Join us on September 19 for an evening of art, conversation, and exploration as we unveil these thought-provoking exhibitions.
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Blake Belcher