The Blank Canvas welcomes US Embassy Nassau’s Public Affairs Officer, Penny Rechkemmer and the winners of the MLJ Jr photo contest and Transforming Spaces founder, Jay Koment, DAF curator, Rashad Adderley, and NAGB assistant curators Natalie Willis and Richardo Willis speaking about this year’s event.
The Blank Canvas studio is busting at the seams! Host Amanda Coulson, NAGB Director, welcomes two groups: the first, organized by the US Embassy comprises, Penny Rechkemmer (photographed middle), the US Embassy Nassau’s Public Affairs Officer, who introduces the winners of the US Embassy’s photo contest, which encouraged Bahamian youth to use the life of Dr. Martin Luther King as inspiration for a photograph that would celebrate Black History Month.
Coulson was one of the judges and, on tonight’s show, able to meet 2 of the 3 winners: Shanaye Smith (1st place, left) and Hadassah Mchardy (2nd place, right) and speak to them about their creative process and their engagement with Black History Month and our Bahamian history through their work.
The second group represents the annual art bus tour; Transforming Spaces. Now in its 13th year, the bus tour takes place April 1st and 2nd and comprises visits to six art locations: D’Aguilar Art Foundation (represented in the studio by new curator, Rashad Adderely, far right… where are you off to Rashad … ?); New Providence Art and Antiques (represented by Jay Koment, far left), one of the founders of Transforming Spaces; the NAGB, represented by Richardo Barrett and Natalie Willis (middle, flanking Amanda), who speak to the re-hang of the Permanent Exhibition; Hillside House, PopopStudios and Doongalik Studios.
Tickets are now on sale for $35 at the NAGB, Doongalik, The Place for Art and at Hillside House. The Blank Canvas airs on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm on Guardian Talk Radio. Are you listening?