In honour of the founding of our University of The Bahamas (UB), the Blank Canvas invited a range of guests into the studio whose vision and creative talent have helped to pave the way for the culture and vision of the new university.
Institutions, businesses, and companies will only get off the ground with a good mandate and outstanding input in the form of branding, encapsulating a vision for the corporate “culture,” and other creative forms setting the tone for the institution and leading it into the future. Creative avenues: writing, music, visual arts, all play a vital role in the formation and communication of the institution’s identity and, though often overlooked, are in fact the foundation stones upon which the institution will be built.
Joining host Amanda Coulson in the studio this evening will be visual artist, Andret John (far right), who carved the University’s Mace, the symbol of the President’s authority; Nicky Saddleton, (second from right) the Vice President of Communication for Tegra Solutions, who has worked for over 6 years on the brand identity; Keisha Oliver (middle), an Assistant Professor and the Programme Coordinator of Visual Arts at the University of the Bahamas, who consulted on the brand formation and is part of the core team in planning how the arts will be taught and communicated at the institution; and Chris Justilien, (second from left), the Head of Visual and Performing Arts and Assistant Professor at University of The Bahamas, who wrote the words and music to the new Alma Mater (the university’s hymn), and the original rough cut of which will be aired on the show.
NAGB’s Blank Canvas airs every Wednesday at 6:30 pm on Guardian Talk Radio, 96.9FM. You can catch the live stream at www.guardiantalkradiocom. Be sure to tune in.