Lynn Parotti, a Bahamian artist, now based in London, is Amanda’s guest on “Blank Canvas” this evening. Parotti’s ancestral family, of Italian marble workers, settled in The Bahamas at the turn of the century and she was brought up close to the land and sea, which is often the subject of her deceptive artworks.
Parotti’s work often presents themselves as “merely beautiful” but always carry a strong message about caring for our environment and learning from our complicated and traumatic history.
Lynn speaks about her upbringing, how she discovered art, and the themes that underpin her work as she prepares for a solo show opening on Thursday, October 10th, 2019 at The Island House. There is also a scheduled showing at Scope Art Fair in Miami Beach this December, where The Current art gallery, which will have a booth, will exhibit Parotti’s work during the intense fair week.
Blank Canvas airs every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. on Guardian Talk Radio.