On this week’s show, Deime Ubani comes to speak about her own artistic practice (she currently has work at the Central Bank of The Bahamas’ Open category exhibitors) and also the importance of community and collectives working for the benefit of the people. She shares about different artist groups that she is a part of—including the SALUS Project and the Artist’s Circle—and her next group project “Black Out: Art in The Dark” at the Creative Center on the PopopStudio grounds.
Back Out is a group show created in response to Nassau’s excessive blackouts and load shedding, where artists were challenged to make work by lantern or candlelight and is sponsored by Nassau Motor Company and FG Wilson generators. Originally envisioned as an effort to creatively embrace the unpredictability of the island’s electricity issues, Black Out: Art in the Dark evolved into a relief effort that will benefit hurricane victims recently affected or displaced by Hurricane Dorian.
“Power is essential for all, for survival,” Ms. Ubani said. “This exhibition will draw attention to the plight of the Bahamian people at large and give back to those members of the community that are affected the most.” The show will open on Friday night, October 25th at 6:30 p.m. and run throughout the weekend.
Blank Canvas airs every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. on Guardian Talk Radio, 96.9 FM.