On Wednesday evening’s “Blank Canvas,” as part of the NAGB’s continuing series of “Double Dutch,” your host Amanda Coulson (NAGB Director, middle) is visited in the studio by Bahamian artist Edrin Symonette (right) and Jamaican artist Leasho Johnson (left), who speak to their individual artistic practices and their collaborative exhibition, opening on Friday night at 7 p.m. “Of Skin and Sand.”
NAGB’s “Double Dutch” series brings together artists from the region to produce provocative bodies of work through collaboration and exchange; the project works against ideas of nationalism and the insularity of our creative surrounding by producing an experimental hub to explore regional culture, our creative acumen and sensibilities. For the fifth iteration of the series, Leasho and Edrin developed individual projects that speak towards issues of gender constructs, masculinity and sexuality within a Black Caribbean context.
Please join us on Friday, July 21st, starting at 7 p.m., we invite the general public to the opening of the project along with an artists’ talk with both artists.
NAGB’s “Blank Canvas” airs every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. on Guardian Talk Radio, 96.9 FM