CSA-NAGB Partnership announces Conference Booklet Cover Design Competition

Caribbean Studies Association (CSA) and the National Art Gallery of the Bahamas (NAGB) are pleased to announce an exclusive partnership to coincide with CSA’s 42nd annual conference whose theme has been identified as —Knowledge and Culture Economies: The Future of Caribbean Development? — convening at the Melía Nassau Beach Hotel, June 5-9, 2017.

The NAGB and CSA have launch a competition to produce an original, Bahamian themed conference program booklet and banner competition within the Bahamian art and creative community.

Submissions should include:

– A biography and artist statement maximum 200 words in word document or PDF format;

– Up to 5 works will be reviewed;

– The signed and completed application form.


– Works from Bahamian artists will be reviewed.

– Design ready work will be given preference.

Submissions should be sent via email to president@caribbeanstudiesassociation.org with the subject: CSA Book and Banner Competition_Sumissions_Surname. Submissions that are over 20MBs must be sent via Dropbox or another file sharing service, like www.wetransfer.com.

No works will be reviewed after February 28, 2017.

Important Dates:

– Winner(s) will be announced on March 15, 2017.

– A joint panel of judges including, Keithley Woolward (CSA), Yolanda Wood (CSA), Bahamian contemporary artist John Beadle, and NAGB Chief Curator, Holly Bynoe.

– A competition Prize of $1000 USD will be awarded to the winner.

– Submitted work will be showcased during the week of the annual conference.

About the organizations

The Caribbean Studies Association (CSA) is an independent, non-profit, professional organization registered in Trinidad and Tobago and the United States of America. CSA is the primary association for scholars, citizen researchers, policy specialists and advocates, cultural practitioners and creatives working on the Caribbean Region (including Central America and the Caribbean Coast of South America).

The National Art Gallery of The Bahamas (NAGB) was the first institution of its kind in the history of The Bahamas, announced in 1996, by then-Prime Minister, Hubert A. Ingraham, as part of a larger expanded system of museums that would record, preserve and historicize the narrative of the independent sovereign nation, established in 1973.