“TRANS: A Migration of Identity” in Long Island
Co-curated by Abby Smith & Richard Barrett
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Long Island, The Bahamas
The Inter-Island Traveling Exhibition (ITE) was designed to actively engage and include Family Island residents in the museum’s programming and increase access to the National Collection. The final stop for this exhibition, entitled “TRANS: A Migration of Identity,” is Buckley’s, Long Island. The exhibition dissects national identity through the lens of visual artists. The NAGB consistently presents work that questions and respond to our collective reality – one that is shaped by the movement of peoples of many origins: Africa, Asia, Caribbean and Europe.
The exhibition will be on display at the Long Island Museum in Buckley’s from November 20, 2019 to January 15, 202. So if you’re on the beautiful island of Long Island please stop by and take in the work of art, where the knowledgeable and capable staff of the Long Island Museum await ready to assist you. For more information you can contact our Community Outreach Officer at zmunroe@nagb.org.bs or 328.5800.