National Exhibition 11
Call for Works

Deadline: Jul 4, 2024

“A community has one of three options for developing its vision. Unfortunately, two of the three don’t work. You see, the first institution we look to develop vision is politics. Well unfortunately, politics is the institution of the past. Everything about politics is its relationship to what has happened. The second institution we look to figure out where we are going to go is journalism. Unfortunately, journalism is the institution of the present. Its job is to tell us what is going on now. The only institution that can talk about where we need to go is the institution of Art. It is the only institution whose job it is to step into the future, look around, and come back and say, this is where we need to go. And so, artists, please understand this: your job is not to be popular. Your job is not to be journalists. It is the artist’s job to risk their life to go into the future and tell us where to go.”

— Pat Rahming, Bahamian poet, songwriter, author, and architect

Theme Overview

Welcome on board the  NELEVEN – a ship that travels  INTO THE VOID. The Void can be thought of as nothingness, everywhere and nowhere, a space ripe for opportunity and growth. In quantum physics, the Void is the space between  filaments (i.e. structures of the universe, such as galaxies), and it is this liminal space that connects everything. This concept of the Void is an apt analogy of Caribbeanness, where the liminality we inhabit as a people forces us to define and redefine ourselves. Voids, then, are a perfect space to birth innovative ideas, new creations, and new ways of life.  

This NE asks contemporary artists to visualize these new ways of being through the lens of Caribbean Futurism. This imagining is already imbedded in Bahamian identity – for around 100 years, after the Spanish arrived, kidnapped, and massacred the indigenous Lucayans that lived here, these islands sat in relative emptiness – a Void waiting to be filled with people, culture, and histories. Quite literally, most people who currently live on these islands were born of a line of people who travelled into this Void. Thus, like most Caribbean nations, our current culture developed from the intersectional milieu of peoples and cultures that settled on these islands throughout our history.  

We are open to all mediums, including (but not limited to) digital media (video art, sound art, interactive art); sculpture; assemblage; installation; fashion; works on paper (drawing, collage, original prints, watercolors, pastels, etc.); painting; photography; writing (experimental short and long form); spoken word and performance-based works.

Submission Guidelines

Proposals should be submitted as a single, multi-page PDF or Word document, and include the following: 
Submissions should be sent via email to with the subject: NELEVEN SUBMISSION Surname. Submissions that are over 20 MB should be sent via WeTransfer.

Considerations On Your Voyage

As true visionaries of Bahamian identity and culture, it is the duty of the artist to travel into the unknown to find the truth of who we are. The artist must see within the Void. As you explore onboard the NELEVEN, we welcome you to submit any creative work that captures what you see. Here are some questions to consider during your voyage, out of which you may answer one or many with your project:  

Jury & Review

For the NELEVEN, the NAGB will assemble a selection jury, including professionals from within the institution and from without. The jurors will be announced at a later date. Works will be reviewed by the jury and curatorial team, and a preliminary selection will be made. After studio visits, a final selection will be made by Captain Richardo Barrett, Curatorial Manager, and First Officer Letitia Pratt, Associate Curator.  

Key Dates

* Please note: studio visits are a part of the review process and does not guarantee your proposal will be selected. Some studio visits may be conducted virtually.



NAGB staff and board members are not permitted to submit to the National Exhibition 11, and any applications submitted by such persons will not be considered.  The NAGB is not obligated to exhibit any of the submissions, and all curatorial decisions, including the selection of artists and works to be supported in the National Exhibition, will be final. 


Reach out to Letitia Pratt, Associate Curator at