The MMSAC is looking or two artists to conceive a mural on public and NAGB walls along with MMSAC campers. Not only will you make amazing art, you will facilitate an amazing experience for young Bahamians. The theme is ‘Tellin’ We Story: Narrating National Identity”. For more information, contact Community Outreach Officer and Camp Coordinator Abby Smith here.
Deadline: June 16th, 2017. Location – TBD
Narrating national identity; these murals call for imagery derived from the cultural tradition of storytelling in The Bahamas. Once a vibrant tradition, storytelling served as a unifier in communities and as a validation of Bahamian cultural identity. Beyond The Bahamas, storytelling held a high place in many cultures, particularly in the African diaspora, the inspiration for many Bahamian tales, and even served as a means of sustaining the histories and lineages of entire ethnicities.
Today, the values instilled and traditions preserved by storytelling are still found in many communities throughout our archipelago and historically served as a powerful and effective tool of change, survival and resistance. Folktales are full of moral lessons, passed from generation to generation, facilitating strong bonds based on powerful beliefs. Many folktales seek to explain the world around us; they often center around a favorite character(s); and sometimes are based on actual people, places and circumstances.
Storytelling (or, as the old folks say “talking ol’ stories”), is an increasingly lost art in The Bahamas as timeless practices give way to technology and our increased modern need for instant results and virtual dialogue. As a response to this and in homage to the many masterfully conceived and told stories, ‘Tellin We Story’ is referencing folktales and myths known to The Bahamas and artists are being asked to recreate them using the following:
– Bahamian folktales and myths
– Using the architecture of the building to tell the story
– Optical ‘illusions’ & effects
– Playful use of structure
– MUST be colorful
Provisions & Benefits:
– The NAGB will provide materials, basic paint colors and wall paint.
– The artist’s work will be promoted on our website, via email blast, and via social media postings for each mural completed.
– Artist will be given stipend and materials.
– Murals can be painted – preferably with brushes or other media including nontoxic spray paint.
– Artist MUST include campers in mural production.
– Mural pieces MUST remain true to the theme, should be thoughtful of the NAGB’s mission, and of the wider community.
– The mural’s production should begin and be completed within a week:
● First Session Mural Production – June 26th-30th, 2017
● Second Session Mural Production – July 17th – 21st, 2017
– Murals will be visible and on view to the public for a period of 1 year.
For consideration:
● Submit 3 jpegs of your work to asmith@nagb.org.bs for review.
● Complete application form and submit it prior to the deadline.
● Artwork examples submitted must represent the artist’s own original work.
● Works should reflect artistic excellence, innovation and originality, as evidenced by each piece’s unique vision or perspective.
● The artist’s experience is adequate to meet the demands of the project.
● The artist’s work is in keeping with the intended outcome of the program.
The applications will be reviewed by the Education and Curatorial Departments of the NAGB, who will score the artists applications based on the criteria listed above.