Open call for works featuring your Potcakes!!

The NAGB is celebrating the Chinese year of the Dog with a call for Potcakes. Would you like to share your experience of observing, owning or knowing a potcake? Bahamian artists are welcome to submit works in any medium: painting, drawing, sculpture, ceramics, printmaking, photography, video, textile, installation and mixed media.

The potcake is a staple of life in The Bahamas. It’s presence not only speaks to the fragility of how we care for living things but also the strength and fortitude of these resilient animals who become a part of our lives. For ages, the Potcake has been seen as an icon and signifier of Bahamianness, and even though the word is shared in other Caribbean countries, there is a unique relationship developed between the canine and the wider community.

Mocha, our very own NAGB potcake

Deadline for submission is Friday, April 20, 2018

Jurors: The NAGB Education, Outreach and Curatorial team will make the final selection of works which will be showcased in the Project Space Room from Thursday July 5 – August 5th, 2018.


Submit a maximum of 3 images in your application. These images should be  72dpi and in jpg format. The images should be named Surname_First Name_1/2/3/

The application should have cv of the artist or if you are an emerging artist or student  a short write up of no more than 100 words about how you became an artist and how has it changed your life.

Artists 15 years and over are allowed to submit works. There is no entrance fee for submissions. Artists will be notified about inclusion in show no later than Friday, May 25th. Submissions should be sent to  no later than Friday, April 20, 2018