By Jordia Benjamin
Image taken from the Nassau Guardian.
The event was a success. Artworks were sold; amateur and professional artists mingled, classical music filled the air, family, friends and the local community came out to support the gallery and All-star Amateur Artists Night participants. In preparing for the event, there was a lot of behind the scene work and high expectations that needed to be meet.
It all started with an idea that the Education department had in creating an event for artists to showcase their work within a museum setting. The Education Department wanted to create an event that will appeal to nontraditional gallery visitors and encourage creative production in the art community. With the approval and support from the gallery’s director, staff and board members, the construction of this idea began.
The call for artwork went out in November of 2011 and received a great deal of enquiries from the public. The gallery specified that the artwork must consist of the following themes that reflect the current exhibition at the time: abstraction and portraiture. The information about this event was all over the web and other media outlets such as the NAGB’s web page, the NAGB’s Mix Media Blog, NAGB’s facebook, NAGB’s twitter, advertised on Bahamas weekly’s website, Bahamas Local’s website, the Nassau Guardian and on NB-12.
After the submission deadline the gallery received over thirty pieces of artwork to be viewed for the event. The curatorial department did an excellent job in selecting artworks that not only fit the themed guideline but also were of gallery standards. The artwork chosen reflected the influence Kendal Hanna has had on the art community and most importantly the emerging artists that the gallery seeks to promote.
The week of the event quickly approached, there was artwork to be collected, easels that had to be re-supported and painted, caterers to be called, quotes demanded and drinks to be supplied. The list continued with the creating and printing of the evening’s programs, lights check, sponsors, donors and volunteers called, invitations created and sent and most importantly the red carpet pulled for the selected artists and of course, Kendal Hanna.
As guests arrived they were greeted and handed the evening’s program along with live music being played by Gray’s Virtuoso Strings. As the music decresendo Jackson Petit, Curatorial Assistant opened the evening, welcoming guests to the closing of Kendal Hanna’s exhibition. Jordia Benjamin, Assistant Education Officer spoke about the importance of the AAA Night and how this event supports continual artistic creation. The NAGB’s Director, Amanda Coulson introduced Mr. Kendal Hanna who then gave his closing remarks on his exhibition. After which the NAGB gallery and the upstairs verandas became officially opened for the evening.
It surely was a great event and evening as artworks were discussed in and out of the galleries, comparing and realising the influence of Kendal Hanna’s work on the amateur artists. Due to the event’s success, the gallery will be hosting an AAA Night at the closing of every NAGB exhibition. Look forward and stay tuned.