Tilting Axis 6 to be hosted by NAGB in 2020!

The NAGB is thrilled to announce our partnership for Tilting Axis 2020! The roving, pan-Caribbean conference will find itself on Bahamian limestone in a rather significant year.

The mission of the late Jackson Burnside III and his wife Pam Burnside, in establishing Doongalik Studios, stated that “by the year 2020 more persons would travel to The Bahamas for its art, culture and heritage rather than for its sun, sand and sea.” With 2020 on the horizon, the question remains – how close are we to reaching this goal not just as a country, but as a region?

Chief Curator, Holly Bynoe, announcing the hosting of the next convening of Tilting Axis 6 which will be held in The Bahamas at the NAGB. Image courtesy Guillaume Aricique and Memorial ACTe