Currently browsing: National Exhibition

National Exhibition Eleven Call for Works

National Exhibition 11
Call for Works

Deadline: Jul 4, 2024

“A community has one of three options for developing its vision. Unfortunately, two of the three don’t work. You see, the first institution we look to develop vision is politics. Well unfortunately, politics is the institution of the past. Everything about politics is its relationship to what has happened. The second institution we look

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The NAGB’s National Exhibitions: 19 Years of Bold, Biggity Bahamian Art… where do we go from here?

19 Years of Bold, Biggity Bahamian Art… where do we go from here?

Natalie Willis Whylly
Independent Curator, Writer & Cultural Worker
National Art Gallery of The Bahamas

The NAGB’s National Exhibition (NE) programming acts as a finger on the pulse of Bahamian art. As our, usually, biennial check-in on the status of creative visual culture in the country, the NE acts as a gauge to see what our creative expression says about us as Bahamians: citizens, diaspora, and residents alike. From the early days of the museum, the first few NE’s challenged what we as a nation believed art … Read more

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Strange Fruit: Kendra Frorup’s poignant banana plumes in “Inflorescence/Influence” for the NE9

By Natalie Willis

Though artist and educator Kendra Frorup may be using the imagery of the banana flower in her work in “NE9: The Fruit and the Seed”, this is anything but a literal interpretation of this year’s theme. Frorup cleverly takes the image of the banana plant – whose fruit is rife with symbolism in the Caribbean and the world over – but takes on its less represented anatomy, the flower, and gives this to the audience for consideration. The plant that has become iconic in the region with slavery and plantations, as well as the more base and … Read more

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