All posts tagged: Blog

Vantage: Justin Benjamin

Justin Benjamin explores interiority in Vantage

Amaani Hepburn • Apr 15, 2024

Justin Benjamin is a painter who primarily works out of his studio in New Providence. Most of his painting scenes depict life on

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Environmental Force: On Abstraction and the Nature of Survival

Environmental Force: On abstraction and the nature of survival​

Letita Pratt, Associate Curator • Mar 27, 2024

“In the piece, environments overlap in energetic combustion: the blue of the sea, the white of the clouds, the green of the trees all bounce around and move through each other within the frame.”

"Environmental Force" (2005), Kendal Hanna, 47" x 35". The National Collection.

Between the years of 2004 and 2005, The Bahamas was hit by three devastating hurricanes: the subsequent destructions of the twin storms Frances and Jeanne in late 2004, and then almost a year later, Hurricane Wilma in 2005.

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