Join the NGCI for a full day of presentations and workshops that explore how artists and creatives can build a business around their talent, from initially developing a presence in the art world through to learning to sell your work directly to the public or finding suitable representation.
Among the topics surveyed will be: starting your business; finding representation; connecting to exhibition and performance opportunities; marketing your work; expanding your networks through residency programmes; updates on local IP and copyright laws; and more.
The line-up of international speakers include: Lisa Hoffmann, Executive Director of the Alliance of Artists Communities (USA), Amanda Coulson, Founder and Artistic Director of Volta Art Fair (Basel and New York), O’Neil Lawrence, Senior Curator at the National Gallery of Jamaica (Jamaica), Deborah Anzinger, Director of NLS residency project (Jamaica), Natalie Urquhart, NGCI Director (Cayman), and Kaitlyn Elphinstone NGCI Public Engagement Manager, (Cayman).