NAGB Intern, Yasmin getting her chance on the slide.
My name is Yasmin Ford and I attend Aquinas College. I am 16 years old and I am going into the 12th grade. For the future I would like to be something in the Culinary Arts Field, but I want to have Art as a back up. Through my life I have been working with my hands, doing different things dealing with food or art and craft. So I decided to put both of them together to do Culinary Arts, that way I can put my art skills into the food that I make. When I was younger I had I wide range things that I wanted to be, it changed everyday from wanting to be Police Officer, to a Teacher, and Mechanic. Now I made up my mind to be a Chef. With Art being in my background, I decided to go to The National Art Gallery to get a better feel of different kind of Art.
On June 26, 2012 at 11 am, I began my community service The National Art Gallery and my first day was great. I got along with everyone at The National Art Gallery. The National Art Gallery is an amazing place to be and it definitely was a wide range of Art to satisfy your taste. As the days went by I got to do things that I never thought I would be doing like: Screen Printing, Drawing signs and drawing on the pavement with chalk in preparation of the Membership Drive Fair.
That was a birthday to remember!
I turned 16 and the staff at The National Art Gallery sang Happy Birthday to me, They also gave me a slice of cake with candle and gave me card signed by everyone. I felt really special that day.
Up to this day I am still grateful that I was able to come to The National Art Gallery and experience this great environment. If your are reading this right now and need some place to do your community service or some place to go, come down to The National Art Gallery of The Bahamas or just come to tour the premises.
Mixed Media is dedicating the next 3 posts to the hardworking interns that assisted us in the summer!