On Friday, February 17th, starting at 6 p.m., the National Art Gallery of The Bahamas will host an artists’ talk with four artists from the NE8 including Margot Bethel, Dr. Ian Bethell-Bennett, Susan Katz-Lightbourne and Jordanna Kelly.
On Friday, February 17th, starting at 6 p.m., the National Art Gallery of The Bahamas will host an artists’ talk with four artists from the NE8 including Margot Bethel, Dr. Ian Bethell-Bennett, Susan Katz-Lightbourne and Jordanna Kelly.
Bahamian women are often thought of as being outspoken, strong, ‘biggity’ – dare I say – and perhaps it is a result of this legacy of women who won’t suffer fools gladly, that has lead to women being painted in a less favourable light. But can we be blamed? After the referendum, it became clear that many of us felt less-than, and the women artists participating in the 8th National Exhibition (NE8) have made their voices heard. Particularly, emerging artists Jodi Minnis and a first-time National Exhibition participant, Cynthia Rahming.
The team at The National ArtGallery of The Bahamas is thrilled to share installation and in progress shots from the upcoming National Exhibition 8 (NE8) set to open on Thursday, December 15th at the NAGB and on Saturday, December 17th at Hillside House our OFFsite for this year’s rendition.
We are so happy to be supporting the first Researcher In Residence for the National Exhibition and partnering with Hillside House to make it happen. Hilary Booker’s installation, “The Moonflower Room,” combines the intellectual and creative lineage from which she developed her theoretical framework with research findings of interview participants’ hopes and dreams for the future.
The National Art Gallery of the Bahamas (NAGB) will open the Eighth National Exhibition (NE8) on December 15, 2016, at 6:30 pm. For the past 13 years, the NAGB has committed itself to the nurturing and fostering of a healthy creative ecosystem and it continues to push the frontiers and foundations of cultural value and consciousness across the nation and its diasporas.