During my days at The National Art Gallery I’ve learnt that there are many fun things that you can do such as creating ideas for the wondrous events that are held here. I have also learnt the name of the artists and what type of work that they do like wood-carvings, wood printing, portraits and the art that is made from various objects that are found.
The National Art Gallery of The Bahamas, in my opinion, is a terrific and fun place to be, you can look at the various drawings and paintings that are hung up by the various artists that did it. The part what I like the most is that you get to be an intern in training who can give tours to guests who visit, receive one hour lunch breaks and relax when you’re work is completed.
This would have not been possible without Ms. Benjamin, Ashley, Ms. Wright, Ms. Pratt and lets not forget the boss lady Mrs. Coulson. I thank them all for their help and what they have done.
Antonio McIntosh