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Environmental Force: On Abstraction and the Nature of Survival

Environmental Force: On abstraction and the nature of survival

Letitia Pratt, Associate Curator • Mar 27, 2024

“In the piece, environments overlap in energetic combustion: the blue of the sea, the white of the clouds, the green of the trees all bounce around and move through each other within the

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Artwork Highlight: Melody in the Men’s Room

Melody in the Men’s Room

Frorup shows tender caretaking in repurposing orphaned objects 


By:  Natalie Willis 

Curator, Writer & Cultural Worker 

Nassau, New Providence, The Bahamas 

There is a sincerity and care in seeing what has been discarded, cast aside, and forlorn, and wanting to give it new life. This is part of the love, sorrow, and tenderness in the work of Kendra Frorup. This “Whimsical Collector” feels more like a foster mother or patron saint to orphaned objects, gently teasing out their stories and gifts. Potential for salacious interpretations in the title aside, in the case of “Melody Read more

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